all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
M26 4AD161653.575299-2.338741
M26 4AF1153.576503-2.338721
M26 4AN9053.563967-2.33216
M26 4AX10153.564963-2.332787
M26 4BE411353.56314-2.334703
M26 4BG14053.563167-2.335521
M26 4BH16053.570007-2.328931
M26 4BJ5053.563717-2.33474
M26 4BL16153.56362-2.336564
M26 4BN33153.563734-2.335299
M26 4BP21153.563635-2.335192
M26 4BQ39053.564308-2.335741
M26 4BR5153.563888-2.334696
M26 4BS18053.563449-2.334315
M26 4BT8053.563926-2.333866
M26 4BU6053.563648-2.333954
M26 4BW2053.564023-2.334001
M26 4BY5053.569532-2.328655
M26 4DA40053.565193-2.327671
M26 4DB10053.564748-2.329177